SoundNet - Features Archive
- Love Songs of Bowhead Whales: Whales Sings With 'More Than One Voice' - Science Daily Online
- Humpback whales hunting krill in Antartica (YouTube Video)
- BBC Online
- Saving the seas for marine mammals
- BBC News Online
- Mystery of the Missing Humpbacks Solved by Soviet Data - Science Online via Marine Conservation News
- Future protection of the oceans could lie in the past - CNN News Online
- How we are emptying our seas - Times Online
- Swimming into view from 25million light years away, the Whale Galaxy - Daily Mail UK Online
- How Mercury Emissions Reach Tuna And Other Seafood, And Why Mercury Contamination Is Likely To Worsen - Science Daily Online
- EDITORS NOTE: For further information see: Effects of mercury and chromium upon longevity of Diplostomum sp. (Trematoda: Diplostomidae) cercariae.
- Chromium: another threat to whale health? - Environmental Health News Online
- Bioacoustics Is Music to Conservationists' Ears - Cornell Sun Online
- Jim Nollman's Interspecies Newletter -
- Researcher: Culling whales will not boost tropical fisheries - ASU Online
- Getting a visual on dolphins' language -EC Europa Online
- The 'value' of protecting whales - BBC Online
- Secret film will show slaughter to the world: Covert operation finally exposes Taiji's annual dolphin horror - Japan Times Online
- Jim Nollman's Interspecies Newletter -
- Small signs of a whaling compromise - BBC Online
- Truths hit home: Junichi Sato leader of Greenpeace Japan's Oceans Project - Herald Sun Online
- Of Humans, Oil, and Whales - The New York Times (NOTE: Comments by Scott McVay, a pioneer in the study of whale vocalizations) (Photo)
- A Case For Killing Humpback Whales? - Nature Precedings, (NOTE: Dr Nick Gales, Dr Phil Clapham and Professor Scott Baker explain why 'Scientific' Whaling ' is not defensible
- Busting the scientific whaling myth - ABC 7.30 Report (NOTE: Features Trish and Wally and footage from Hervey Bay Research Expedition) (Video)
- 125-YEAR-OLD NEW BEDFORD BOMB FRAGMENT FOUND EMBEDDED IN ALASKAN BOWHEAD WHALE(Photographs) (EDITORIAL COMMENT: We already know that Bowheads can live for over 200 years. Is the death of this ancient whale worth the knowledge gained? What a tragic loss for the Bowhead Tribe!)
- Whaling fights: Everyone's a winner?(Photographs)
- For the love of whales (Photographs)
- Beyond the harpoon - whale saving begins at home(Photographs)
- Did Greens help kill the whale?
- Propaganda and pretext: Japan's strategy to gain control of the International Whaling Commission (IWC)
- Whaling seen as threat to scavengers(Photographs)
- Whale Fall - Contribution of whale bodies to ocean eco-system(Photographs)
- Humane Society International Sums Up Divisive IWC Meeting in Korea
- If Adopted, RMS Would Lead Whaling Back to the Dark, Pre-Moratorium Days
- Whales 'led astray by magnetism'
- Whaling - A Bloody Business(Photographs)
- Whale Culture - A New Report
- Whale-Worn Camera Sees Precision in humpback Feeding Frenzy
- Florida's Coastline, Coastal Waters: A Pattern of Distress.
- Ocean Crisis Caused by Destructive Human Fishing - not Whales and Dolphins.
- Encounters with Dolphins: A Call for Peace Between Species. (Photographs)
- Whale Watching 2001 - A Special Report from IFAW - Written by Erich Hoyt
- Stop the Revised Management plan - A report from Seas Shepherd
- The Never Ending Journey - Humpback Migration - By Trish Franklin & Lyn Woolley. (Photographs)
- Saving Jo Jo the Dolphin. (Photographs)
- Whales on U.N. Millennium Forum Agenda
- Study reveals American perceptions of Marine Mammals
- Crystal Whales -
The true story behind the International rescue mission of two Gray Whales found nearly frozen in the ice off Barrow, Alaska in October 1988.
- Pursued to the Brink of Extinction, Cetaceans Fight For Survival, Against Man-Made Odds.
- The Whales' Lonely Song.
- Dolphin Communications - A personal experience with a Harbour Porpoise. (Photographs)
- Corinne's story about Keiko. (Photographs)
- White out of the blue. (Photographs)