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The Oceania Project - Caring for Whales, Dolphins and the Oceans

Sites with Information about the Oceans

  • The state of our oceans in 2018 (It's not looking good!)
    This comprehensive and excellent guide looks at the major threats that we humans are placing on our oceans in 2018.

    It explores how they affect the fish and other marine life that are so vital to a healthy planet. In each chapter, they look at what can be done to protect our oceans, with tips and advice that you can personally follow to make a difference.

    There is no one simple fix to these problems, but by having a greater understanding, taking small actions, and making small changes, we can all help to keep our oceans healthier and more sustainable for generations to come.

  • The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
    This important site provides up to date information on the
    United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
    It is the third in a series of United Nations efforts to codify the rules by which nations utilize over 70% of the earth's surface. All aspects of the use of the oceans, from the edge of the coast to the bottom of the deepest sea are addressed in this convention. Over three hundred articles in length, this is perhaps the most complex legal agreement ever achieved. Having received its 60th ratification on November 16, 1993, the Law of the Sea Convention came into force one year later - November 16th, 1994.

    Australia's Ocean Policy, see below, which was developed in light of the Convention will have an important and direct bearing on the future conservation and protection of Cetacea.

  • Australia's Oceans Policy

  • Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)
    The AODN Portal provides access to all available Australian marine and climate science data
  • Australian Antarctic Division
    This excellent WebSite provides information about the role and activities of the Australian Antarctic Division.
  • The Australian Centre for Applied Marine Mammal Science (ACAMMS) was established in 2006 and is the first major national research centre focused on understanding, protecting and conserving the whales, dolphins, seals and dugongs in our region.

    Of special interest are the scientific voyages undertaken by the Division each year. A regular member of the Cetacean Research Team aboard the Aurora Australis is our colleage and friend Paul Hodda, Chairman of the Australian Whale Conservation Society.

    Paul joins The Oceania Project's Whale Research Expedition
    in Hervey Bay each year to participate in the on-board research and education program.
  • The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO
    was founded in 1960 on basis of the recognition that "the oceans, covering some seventy percent of the earth's surface, exert a profound influence on mankind and even on all forms of life on Earth... In order to properly interpret the full value of the oceans to mankind, they must be studied from many points of view. While pioneering research and new ideas usually come from individuals and small groups, many aspects of oceanic investigations present far too formidable a task to be undertaken by any one nation or even a few nations."

    Since the oceans are influencing in a very significant way both global environmental changes and sustainable development, it is essential that we understand and are able to predict global and regional ocean conditions and the interaction with the atmosphere, biosphere and land. Our knowledge of the decisive processes is still too limited for us to be able to predict with useful accuracy, the behaviour of a most important part of the global system - the ocean and the related impact on the environment.

    It is therefore necessary that we expand our knowledge and improve our capabilities through a renewed commitment to oceanographic research, systematic ocean observations, technology development and transfer, and related education and training. The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission will have to play a pivotal role in meeting these needs.

  • Ocean Data Portal
    is a project of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange Programme(IODE) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC)

    Check out Ocean Teacher a repository for knowledge and training materials related to oceanography
  • Oceana - Protecting the Worlds Oceans.
    Oceana is a new non-profit, international advocacy organization created with the sole purpose of protecting the world's oceans to sustain the circle of life. We bring together dedicated people from around the world, building an international movement to save the oceans through public policy advocacy, science and economics, legal action, grassroots mobilization, and public education.


  • The Oceanography Society
    The Oceanography Society was founded in 1988 to disseminate knowledge of oceanography and its application through research and education, to promote communication among oceanographers, and to provide a constituency for consensus-building across all the disciplines of the field.
  • Clean Our Oceans: The Impact of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
    Marine debris and pollution consisting mostly of plastic trash is accumulating in oceans around the world. From the surface of the ocean, you might not even realize that a vast garbage patch swirls under the water. With ever-changing content and borders, scientists have difficulty estimating the size of these garbage patches. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch exists in the northern Pacific Ocean, stretching between Japan and the United States.
  • The Dangers of Plastic Pollution to Marine Life
    The garbage that humans leave behind as a by-product of civilization and consumption is becoming an environmental hazard not only to the land, but also to the world's oceans, seas, and waterways. One of the most egregious examples is the millions of tons of disposable plastic that has found its way into our waters.
  • The Trash One Person Produces in One Year
    This informative InfoGraphic shows how much trash America produces in a year? It looks at some gross data to calculate what one person produces in garbage per year by type of waste. See how many water bottles are tossed out by your average Joe, how many newspapers, how many cardboard boxes, and how much of other kinds of waste. See how much is thrown out and consider how we in America can cut back on waste!

    On a worldwide scale, humans produce 2.6 trillion pounds of trash per year. OECD (Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development) countries collectively produce 44% of the world's garbage.

    Editors Note: We thank Natalie for this important link. She recently particpated in the Green is Love 'Young Conservationist Workshop series for 8-12 year-olds'. The workshop sets out to teach our children the importance of conservation, how to live a green lifestyle, and to instill in them a deep love and appreciation for nature and our world as a whole. Thank you Natalie and Michelle Alexander
  • Interesting Ocean Facts To Engage Your Children
    The ocean is fascinating and is vital to our ecosystem and so much of it is yet to be explored. In fact, we know more about the surface of Mars than we do about our own sea floor. In this guide, you'll learn fun, mind-tingling facts about the deep blue and what lies beneath.

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