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We have found these Marine Mammal Discussion Lists
valuable sources of information.

Marine Mammal Discussion Lists

    is an edited e-mail discussion list which focuses on marine mammal research and conservation, run through the University of Victoria. The list was established in August 1993 specifically for marine mammal researchers and graduate students, as well as those actively involved in marine mammal conservation and management. As of January 2002 there were over 4,100 subscribers from 72 different countries. Anyone may subscribe to the list.
  • ECS-Talk & ESC-Students (European Cetacean Society)
    are mailing lists of The European Cetacean Society. ECS - established 1987 - was first internet-enabled in the pre-web days of 1992. It has been present ever since with mail, mailing lists and its web site. ECS Aim to promote and co-ordinate the scientific study and conservation of cetaceans and to gather and disseminate information to members and the general public. .
  • AUScetnet (The Australian Cetacean Network
    was established to provide a forum for sharing information on cetaceans around Australia and for discussing cetacean-related issues.
  • UKCetnet (U.K. Cetacean Network)
    provides network members with the latest cetacean sightings from around the UK, Europe and the rest of the world. UKCetnet provides a fast means of transferring the latest whale and dolphin sightings from observers to those interested in the whereabouts and general distribution of cetaceans.
  • STOPLFAS (Stop Low Frequency Active Sonar)
    Low Frequency Active Sonar is a dangerous technology and its use is being challenged worldwide. Evidenced by whale and porpoise deaths near areas where high intensity active sonars have been used by the US Navy and NATO - the application of this highly advanced sound technology has become vastly contentious as it is increasingly deemed to be environmentally "unsound."
  • CFN-Talk (Cetacean Freedom Network
    Keeping The World's Cetaceans Free From Captivity.

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