The Oceania Project Logo

The Oceania Project - Caring for Whales, Dolphins and the Oceans

Australian & Global Government Organisations involved with Cetacea

Australian Government Information

Access to Australian Commonwealth Government Information

Below we have focussed on specific Government Links that have importance and relevance for Cetacea in Australia.

Environment Australia

Environment Australia has recently changed its structure. As a result management accountability and responsibility is now focussed through Divisions.

Primary links relating to Cetacea (Whales and Dolphins) can be found at:

Coasts & Oceans:


Environment Australia Databases:

  • EnviroNET Australia is maintained by the Environment Protection Group. These fully-searchable, intuitively designed databases link people with environmental problems, to people, organisations and technologies that can help solve the problems.

  • Infoterra Australia a Guide to Australian Environment Resources and provides a single access point for information about Australian government environment programs and services

  • Australia's Coasts and Oceans

Australian State Government Environment Organisations

Other Australian Government Environment Organisations and Agencies

Global Government Organisations and Agencies

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