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The Oceania Project - Caring for Whales, Dolphins and the Oceans

Sites with Educational, Marine Science
and Career Information


  • Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA)
    is a good starting point for Australian Students interested in a career in Marine Sciences. AMSA have produced a booklet In association with the School of Marine Science, University of Queensland titled 'Careers in Marine Science (Australia)'.

    Students in the USA can find a comparable information at:
  • Careers in Marine Mammal Science
    which is maintained by The Society for Marine Mammalogy in the USA.

  • The Australian Mammal Society is an important scource of information in Australia and they maintain a valuable listing of links to other sites.

  • The Marine Education Society of Australasia (MESA)
    is a non-profit organisation that brings together those interested in the study and enjoyment of coastal and marine environments.

    MESA acts on behalf of its members to promote appreciation and understanding of coastal and marine environment through excellence in education. We provide a national forum and advocacy on marine education and encourages international initiatives in this field.

  • The Australian Marine Environment Protection Association (AUSMEPA) is a non profit organisation that aims to inspire students of all ages to engage in education and actions that will raise the awareness of our marine environment. While doing this, AUSMEPA aims to work together with other marine education and maritime groups to protect our precious Australian marine environment.

  • Southern Cross University Whale Research Group (SCUWRG)
    co-ordinates and facilitates Marine Mammal Research in Australia, the South Pacific and internationally. The SCUWRC is located on the Southern Cross University Campus, Lismore, Northern New South Wales, Australia and offers a Marine Mammal Science Unit as part of its Bachelor of Applied Science (Major: Marine Science and Management) Degree.

  • The Centre for Animal Conservation Genetics (CACG)
    is involved in genetic tagging of Humpback Whales and is located on the Southern Cross University Campus, Lismore, Northern New South Wales, Australia.

  • The National Marine Science Centre (NMSC)
    is a joint venture of Southern Cross University (SCU) and the University of New England (UNE) and is located at Charlesworth Bay, on the northern side of Coffs Harbour, NSW. Both Universities offer the new and innovative B.Sc. (Marine Science & Management) Program with the first two years taken at either University and the final year at The National Marine Science Centre.

  • Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS)
    is the voice for Australia's coasts and oceans. AMCS work with local communities to protect ocean life and the habitats they call home.
    Australian Marine Conservation Society

  • The Marine and Coastal Community Network(MCCN)
    is a national, non-government, community-based organisation with a Regional Coordinator in most States.

    It promotes a more cooperative and coordinated approach to marine and coastal planning and management by bringing together all the interest groups - individuals, community organisations, government agencies, industry, researchers and educators.

    The MCCN can help you to:
    * keep up to date with marine and coastal issues - locally and nationally;
    * link up with others who share your interest in the conservation of our unique marine and coastal environments.

  • The PhD Education Index
    at is the Internet's premier source of updated, clear educational data about undergraduate and graduate programs in the United States. They use publicly available numbers from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), and strive to present them in a simple and easy-to-digest way. Their desire is to make it easy for you to pick the best college you possibly can with this index: a college that fits your financial, social and educational interests and goals.

  • The MOSCOW Project (Memoirs Of Soviet Catches Of Whales)
    On this site you will find articles about Soviet whaling and its consequences, together with galleries of photographs and other materials kept by individuals who spent some portion of their working life aboard Soviet whaling fleets.

  • Marine Teachers Association of NSW (MTANSW)

  • Marine Teachers Association of Queensland (MTAQ)

  • Green Volunteers - The World Guide to Voluntary Work in Nature Conservation.

  • World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS).
    The aim of a World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) is to provide an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of marine organisms, including information on synonymy. While highest priority goes to valid names, other names in use are included so that this register can serve as a guide to interpret taxonomic literature.
  • Planetary Coral Reef Foundation
    is able to offer the opportunity for a few qualified people to participate fully in its unique expedition of science and adventure on board the SV Infinity.
  • Travel Tree - Educational Travel and Internship Opportunities.
    Travel Tree-Internships

  • 42Explore-Whales and Dolphins
    is a Science Topic on the 42Explore education resource site. They also offer an excellent link on theSpecies of Whales and Dolphins resource page. A very useful site if you have a project to complete.

  • Scribbly Gum
    is an ABC Science Lab site devoted to celebrating seasonal events in the natural world with a new story every month and an interactive forum. A great place for anyone who finds joy in observing the everyday wonders of Nature. Check The Whales Head Home feature.

  • AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHIC shows Australia in a positive light as a unique place in the world, with its amazing plants and animals not found anywhere else on earth. Australian Geographic tells the world about Australian culture and geography.

  • is a premier resource for science on the web. They offer over 200 Science articles, weekly editorials and science news.

  • The Oregon State University Marine Mammal Program
    studies the behavior, abundance, and distribution of marine mammals. Cetacean studies began in 1979 with the use of conventional (short range) radio tags to track gray whales from Mexico to Alaska. Concurrent shore-based observations documented the timing of the north and south-bound gray whale passage off the Oregon coast. Since then, the Marine Mammal Program has pioneered the development of satellite-monitored radio tags to track many species of whales and dolphins principally around North America.

    Whale Watching Spoken Here is a volunteer whale watching program during peak gray whale migration times coinciding with winter and spring breaks. Trained volunteers stationed at twenty-nine locations on or near the Oregon Coast provide information and assist spotting whales. Volunteers train at Oregon State University's Hatfield Marine Science Center and other facilities.

  • Marine Mammal Jobs
    Looking for work in the Marine Mammal field. Marine Mammal jobs provide a unique resource dedicated to the marine mammal industry.

  • WhaleNet
    in conjunction with research groups, educational organizations,and whale watch companies, provides a program to enhance the educational opportunities of students around the world

    WhaleNet offers, students and teachers, curriculum resources and support, a source of data for interdisciplinary classroom activities, and interactive informational support through WhaleNet/EnviroNet using telecommunications. WhaleNet established Internet communication between researchers and students from around the world so that they can share and use research data, collaborative learning, and personal field experiences to enhance their education and interest in science.

    WhaleNet has an extensive set of links to sites offering Whale, Dolphin and Marine Mammal information.

  • The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
    This important site provides up to date information on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. It is the third in a series of United Nations efforts to codify the rules by which nations utilize over 70% of the earth's surface. All aspects of the use of the oceans, from the edge of the coast to the bottom of the deepest sea are addressed in this convention. Over three hundred articles in length, this is perhaps the most complex legal agreement ever achieved. Having received its 60th ratification on November 16, 1993, the Law of the Sea Convention came into force one year later - November 16th, 1994. The convention is a world agreement which will have an important bearing on the future protection and conservation of Cetacea.

  • The Interdisciplinary Center for Bioacoustics and Environmental Research ( CIBRA)
    The Interdisciplinary Center for Bioacoustics and Environmental Research ( CIBRA) was founded in 1988 by the University of Pavia. It was endowed with a Laboratory of Marine Bioacoustics in 1989. The activity of the Laboratory of Marine Bioacoustics focuses on the development of research projects on the acoustic communication in marine animals, the study of practical applications in regard to the monitoring and censusing of cetaceans, the development of advanced methods of sound analysis based on digital signal processing, the establishment of a Sound Library of Mediterranean Cetaceans as well as the technical support to other institutions involved in bioacoustical research.

    The CIBRA web-site offers an insight into how recordings of Cetacea are obtained and as well there are samples of Cetacean sounds to download. A high quality information rich site.

  • International Whaling Commission

  • US National Marine Mammal Laboratory

  • Understanding Whale Teeth:
    Whales are unusual because of the types of teeth they have (or lack). Most mammals have teeth to help them bite and chew their food, making it possible to feed themselves. Scientists group all whales into two categories: toothed whales and baleen whales. As the names suggest, one type of whale has teeth. The other type has something very different, called baleen, instead of teeth..

  • Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI)
    engages people worldwide in scientific projects to participate as students, volunteers in hands-on research with wild bottlenose dolphins in Sardinia, Italy.
  • An Introduction to Whales - Natural History of Northern Arizona

  • Hervey Bay Marine Training Center
    Queensland Transport Approved Marine Training Providers for Recreational Ship Masters Licence Courses (Boat Licences). Navigation and Seamanship Courses. Also useful Marine Information.

  • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Education Overview

  • Acquired Intelligence: Web Whale Watcher Expert System
    This is a demonstration of an on-line expert system for the identification of observed whales based on proprierty software developed by Acquired Intelligence Inc. in Canada.

    CETACEA is a comprehensive reference site for information about cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) - full species breakdowns for all 81 species of cetacean, look at how they adapted to sea life and find out their habits, homes and lifestyles.

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