Mission Statement of The Oceania Project

The Oceania Project is dedicated to the care and conservation of Cetacea (Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises) through original research, dissemination of information, education and net-working.

The Objectives of The Oceania Project

[i] To promote community awareness and co-operation to instigate and maintain the process of rehabilitation, preservation and conservation of Cetacea and the Oceans;

[ii] The promotion and undertaking of scientific research of Cetacea and the Oceans for the benefit of the community;

[iii]To provide environmentally sensitive Ocean platforms for non-manipulative research, education and experiential programmes of Cetacea and the Oceans using sensitive vessels;

[iv] To educate and promote a community awareness and understanding of the significance of Cetacea and the Oceans;

[v] To establish and maintain facilities and services necessary to disseminate and present information about Cetacea and the Oceans;

[vi] To promote worldwide awareness of the need for the rehabilitation, preservation and conservation of Cetacea and the Oceans by liaising and communicating with international governments and bodies and relevant organisations and individuals.

Corporate Structure of The Oceania Project

The Oceania Project was established in 1988 by Trish and Wally Franklin as a environmental and scientific organisation for the advancement of community education in the field of Cetacea (Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises) and the Ocean Environment.

The organisations principal purpose is the protection and enhancement of Cetacea and the Ocean Environment through carrying on research, providing education and disseminating information. The organisation has established relationships with Local and State Government and Community Organisations and has wide community involvement and support.

The Oceania Project was incorporated as a non-profit company limited by guarantee in 1991 with a license, pursuant to S383, to trade as 'The Oceania Project'.
ABN 73 052 470 630 ACN 052 470 630.

It holds an 'Authority to Fundraise for Charitable Purposes' under the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 NSW', certificate number CFN10310.

The Oceania Project, as a Not-for-profit Scientific and Educational Organisation whose objects are dedicated to a significant aspect of the environment, is Exempt of Income Tax under Section 23 of the Income Tax Assessment Act.

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