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The Oceania Project's
20th Whale Research Expedition 2009

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The Oceania Project Expedition Journal

image Trish & Wally Franklin. (Photo taken in 1987) Each year, aboard The Oceania Project's Annual Whale Research Expedition in Hervey Bay, we invite those who join the Expedition each week to express what they think and feel about their experiences in the Expedition Journal.

Reading these yearly Journals provides us with a vivid memory of the wonderful people we are meeting. Through their Journal entries we are able to recapture and share with you the essence, chemistry and magic of their meetings with the Whales and Dolphins in Hervey Bay.

These pages are selected excerpts from the Journals, sometimes with photographs taken while on board and sometimes with photographs and material sent to us after they have returned home.

The faces of our Expedition friends below are the Gateway to their hearts expression. We thank each and everyone of them for every word, drawing, poem, song and photograph placed in the Expedition Journal.

| Journal | in the Quick Access Index at the foot of each Journal page will return you here...

Daniel Bayer
Robert Bennington
Elaine Reid
Karin & Jan Zilstorff
imageHeather Jessup image
Renee Viola
imageEvelyn Woolcott image
Tania Hillard

The Expedition Journal pages were created with the help of a Canon Compact Digital Camera Canon Compact Cameras

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